Saturday, January 3, 2009

Fill Or Bust Game

Fill Or Bust Game

Cheap Shipping On Fill Or Bust.

Fill Or Bust is extremely similar to Farkel, not counting the deck of cards.

The object of Fill Or Bust is to be the highest scorer. You can play to any number, for example, 5,000 or 10,000 points. The winner would be the first player to reach goal. Or, you can play within any time limit. The winner would then be the highest scorer at the end of the time period.

The Fill Or Bust Game Includes:

12 - 300 pt. "BONUS" cards
10 - 400 pt. "BONUS" cards
8 - 500 pt. "BONUS" cards
8 - "NO DICE" cards
6 - "FILL 1000" cards
4 - "MUST BUST!" cards
4 - "VENGEANCE 2500" cards
2 - "DOUBLE TROUBLE" cards

Fill or Bust is a great family game that any number of people can play! The object of Fill or Bust is to be the highest scorer. You can play to any number of points, or you can play within any time limit. Compact packaging makes it easy to take along when camping and traveling, and the fast paced gameplay will test your luck and strategy - for half-an-hour or half-a-day! Team play, tournament play, and optional rules are included. Purchase Fill Or Bust now with free shipping.

Read more about the fill or bust card game now...